Leveraging AI
Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with 'Leveraging AI,' a podcast tailored for forward-thinking business professionals. Each episode brings insightful discussions on how AI can ethically transform business practices, offering practical solutions to day-to-day business challenges.
Join our host Isar Meitis (4 time CEO), and expert guests as they turn AI's complexities into actionable insights, and explore its ethical implications in the business world. Whether you are an AI novice or a seasoned professional, 'Leveraging AI' equips you with the knowledge and tools to harness AI's power responsibly and effectively. Tune in weekly for inspiring conversations and real-world applications. Subscribe now and unlock the potential of AI in your business.
Leveraging AI
163 | From Idea to Viral: How to Use AI to Plan, Script, & Produce Engaging Video with Claire Farwell
AI is transforming content creation, but most business leaders still struggle to come up with ideas and to turn them into video content that will engage with their target audience—until now.
Join us for an exclusive, step-by-step session where Claire Farwell, AI content strategist and marketing expert, reveals how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT and Descript to plan, script, and produce compelling video content at scale. You’ll walk away with an actionable workflow to create high-impact videos **in minutes, not hours.
Claire brings a wealth of experience, from journalism to AI-driven content marketing, helping businesses streamline their storytelling with cutting-edge technology. If you want to enhance your brand’s presence and create video content that converts, you don’t want to miss this session.
What you’ll learn:
✅ How to use AI to define your content pillars and personal brand
✅ A simple AI-driven workflow for planning, scripting, and producing videos
✅ How to optimize video content for LinkedIn and other platforms
✅ A live demo of AI-powered video editing tools
Join the AI Business Transformation Course and get $100 off using LeveragingAI100 > https://multiplai.ai/ai-course/
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Hello, and welcome to another live episode of the Leveraging AI podcast, the podcast that shares practical, ethical ways to leverage AI to improve efficiency, grow your business and advance your career. This is Isar Meitis, your host, and we got an awesome podcast session for you today. You know we use AI for so many different things. We use AI for data analysis and strategy and marketing, aspects and hiring and reviewing things and so on. But I think the most common, the first thing people go to is. Creating content with AI. And the problem is that most people that try to create content in AI are doing it wrong. And that's why they're getting like vanilla flavor, generic content that doesn't really drive engagement. And more importantly, does not drive business results. Now to do this right, to actually create content that provides value, you need Define your ICP, your ideal client persona. You need to have a deep understanding of your target audience needs and wants and drives, you need to define the content pillars that will actually provide value to these people. You need to create a content calendar. So you know what to post and when you need content ideas that would fill up that content calendar and then. And yes, in the end, you need the one thing that most people jump into, which is creating the actual pieces of content. Now this sounds like a lot of work and it used to be a lot of work, but the good news is that now with AI, you can actually do. All these steps with AI assistance, meaning you can do all the things you just talked about while using AI and doing it a lot more efficient than we can have done this before. And in many cases, a lot more accurate because you can bring in a lot more data and do things that would have taken you as a person a lot longer. Now, our guest today, Claire Farwell is an expert on. AI content creation. She's in general amazing with creating AI solutions for businesses. And the reason for that is, first of all, she's been across multiple aspects of multiple businesses. She held roles in enterprises. She's been an entrepreneur doing her own things. She has been in B2B, in B2C, small companies, large companies. So she brings to the table real business experience to understand what a business needs. And now in the last two years, she's been working a lot with AI, helping companies to implement AI solutions. And what she's going to walk us through is exactly what we talked about, how to do the entire content creation process properly with AI. So you can actually create content that works, that drives engagement and drives real business results. This is something that more or less everybody on the planet is after right now. So it's very exciting. And hence, I'm excited to talk to Welcome, Claire, to the show. Claire, welcome to Leveraging AI.
Claire:Hello. Hi, everybody. Great to be here.
Isar:It's great to have you. You know, you and I talked, on LinkedIn a lot, and then in person once or twice, and I'm very excited. I know you know this stuff very well, and you do this, for several different companies. and I think the key is really this. I think people are looking for shortcuts, but they don't understand that you can shortcut the strategy. Like you still need to do the steps in order to get the output. You can just do the steps more effectively. And I think that's going to be what we're going to focus on how to do each and every one of the steps. And that's what I'm really excited about this.
Claire:Yeah. And I think it's also very confusing out there. there is so much, especially if you're on LinkedIn, there's just so much that you can, be looking at when it comes to creating content, so many ideas, so many influences and so much confusion, so much noise. So I want to keep it as simple as possible. There are so many tools that you can choose from and so many different ways that you can and patterns that you could do it. But I have chosen as few tools as possible. And to keep it as simple as possible so that you can actually go, Oh, great. I can do this. I'm not confused. Let me do it. And, get on with, other exciting things or creative things in your business.
Isar:I love that. and this is perfect. I will just say to all of you who are joining us live on the zoom and we have more than a few people there or joining us live on LinkedIn. We had some technical difficulties on LinkedIn, but now we're live. So if you joined us, you haven't missed anything critical. We're going to dive into the actual content in a second. so thank you first of all, for joining us and being with us, live like we do every single Thursday. So if you're here with us, first of all, go ahead, introduce yourself, say where you're from, share. What you're doing with AI today and what you want to learn from this particular session. So we can hopefully relate to that. Feel free to write any questions in the chat. We will cover them. I will bring them to Claire and we will try to answer your questions as much as possible. And we are, if you're not here on the live, then The question is why, you're listening to the podcast. Obviously that's why you're even hearing my voice, but we're doing this live every single Thursday, both on LinkedIn and on zoom. you can, in the show notes, there's a link to join us every single week, and then you can be a part of the conversation and ask questions and meet a lot of exciting people that are learning how to implement AI. So thank you so much for being with us. And now back to Claire. Claire, let's just dive right into your process and your prompts and everything.
Claire:Yeah, and I know you're very good at explaining, all the steps as well and repeating it for those people that are on podcast or driving or whatever they're doing. So I'm going to keep that in mind as well. And some of the prompts that I have as well, if people want to have those after the fact, because they obviously are driving and whatever, then maybe we can share the prompts and things like that, I just want to keep it practical as you say. So I guess first off, I want to share my screen. But I'm going to do that, so that we're going to dive right into, ChatGPT itself. and let me see, can you see my screen and are you looking at my AI Clarebrand ChatGPT?
Claire:That's a good start. All right. So here I am in ChatGPT and No, actually
Isar:not. We're looking at projects.
Claire:Exactly. The wrong one. Wrong
Isar:screen. Oh no, that
Claire:was the right one. There we go. See, we do it all, but well done for being we're looking at, we're trying to be team, but we're looking at projects, right?
Isar:Yeah. So now I'm looking at the right thing.
Claire:So chat GPT, we know that there are lots of different things from GPTs, et cetera. And there's all of them down there, but what we do have is projects. And so I'm going
Isar:to pause you, sorry, for just one second. I'm actually seeing two things, which is fine. Like I'm also seeing your document on the right. So if that's what you want to show, then we're good. But if not, then, okay, perfect. Now we're seeing only the other thing in your desktop.
Claire:I love it. All right. So going back to this and I'm going to just make the whole thing larger because you don't want to see my messy screen. There we go.
Isar:Now we're good.
Claire:We do it live, right? So here's a project. In projects are basically created so that I can have my idea and put kind of similar to GPT, and I'll explain the difference. Everything that is related to that project in one place. Do we have messy, Messy, chat TPT. I'm sure you've got prompts all over the place. so this is an excellent way to keep everything there. So I'm going to show you just what I mean. cause we're going to start off with AI Claire and brand. So everything to do with my brand, I've created this project and I have all my different chats. of that project nicely saved in there. So any new chat that I start, as you can see in this project, it will then go under the umbrella of A. I. Clarebrant. If you wanted to just create a brand, let me show, create a project, you would go up here into projects. You see where it says add, you would name it, AI client brand, and you would save it. So let's pretend I've saved it and this is what I have. Now we're editing it. So we need to have some instructions. We need to know everything about, AI Claire and what this is. Now I will share a prompt with you later. So if I was to open it up, it's how can Chattopadhyay best help me with this project? And in here I have got the instructions nicely laid out. So let's just see something here. If I wanted to instruct, this is one I've done earlier, I like to keep it nice and tidy. This is the type of prompt that I would put in, which is. creating structured brand strategy guidelines. My objective, how do I create this guideline? So you put in your business brand or project to streamline communication, etc. Who are we? Who is my target audience? There you are talking about my ICP. The challenge that we solve. IAI adoption for business efficiency, etc. Four of those, content and communication strategy, projects and campaign management, our value proposition, tone and style, guidelines, final output. Now, this is my prompt. I'm sure you could come up with a better one, but I will share it with you. just so that you can see, that's the type of instructions that you can put in there. And save according to my new project. And you're like, hurry up. I want to start creating some content. Calm down. Everybody. So project files. This is project files that I have added in order to make it understand more about my brand. And this is top performing posts, for example, hook templates, post templates, anything. And I can add as many files as I want in there. So the difference between projects and GPTs are, you cannot share GPTs and the rest we'll talk about on another day, but I just want to just bring that up. If anybody had that question.
Isar:yeah, I want to pause it just for one second to add or to clarify two things. One about projects, which I think is pretty important. Maybe one of the biggest things that, that open AI gave us, and I'll explain why in a minute. And then the other is specifically about the instructions and your brand and so on. But the coolest thing about projects, if you think about one of the biggest problems that we had with, chat GPT is that it didn't have long term memory, right? So then, I don't know, six months ago, open AI gave us long term memory. So it remembers between chats, but it remember what it wants. It doesn't remember what you want it to remember. Now, also in addition, it remembers one generic memory for everything that you're doing. And you may want to have different things in its memory for different things that you're doing. First of all, if you're running different things for different clients, you want to have different tones and different voices and different information about the clients and where they're from and how big they are and what their preferences and so on. When you're having conversation about that particular client, or even if it's yourself, you may want to have different content in there for, marketing or for online marketing versus in person or for your speaking gigs, or if you're a large organization for your HR and back office, et cetera. And what projects enables you to do is exactly this. It allows you to create a separate universe in which you control the knowledge that it has. And every conversation, regular conversations that you have that are not driven by a GPT that is very specific to something, every conversation you're going to have will have that context in mind. And this is why it's so powerful. So that's the biggest. Gift the project has the, as far as the specific instructions and the very detailed prompt that Claire shared, you can do this as a conversation. So open the advanced voice mode and say, Hey, I want you to know everything there is to know about my clients and about my target audience. Tell me what you want to know and then ask it to ask you questions and then provide answers and then ask you to ask you more questions and then get more answers. And then. You will have a very non well structured process, but then in the end of that conversation, say, Hey, I want you to create a document of everything you learned, summarizing all of this, that I can use this in. My project as here's what you need to know about my client. And it will write you a very detailed, nicely structured document. So if you don't know how to do what Claire just did, use ChatGPT as a marketing assistant to ask you the right question, literally talk with your voice, which allows you to be very descriptive with, with what everything, about your clients. And then you have that document to start with. So that was my two cents.
Claire:No, that was more than two cents worth. and absolutely just so useful. and stops me going off on a tangent, if I'm like scrolling down, you can see that, there's just so many different types of LinkedIn post formats and strategy and things like that. And those different flavors, as you say, you can just go into that and you can keep asking it into that very, prompt that's been saved. So moving on now, what do I need to do what I want to create some content pillars. So I, down here, I have a prompt that is basically, a generic prompt for creating the content pillars, but it's based off the project brand instructions in my projects So let's go back here. And now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just copy and paste My, prompt that I've specifically put towards my MCA and my AI brand and ask it to generate the four content pillars that align with the expertise in those, those areas. And then by doing this, here is my, here are my four content pillars. Because we want to know, we generally want to have these pillars that we're going to stick to when it comes to creating content. If we are going to be choosing a different thing every week, it's just not going to be clear what it is that we want to be known for. So we have to identify that. And like you said as well Isara, there are so many different ways, there's a long journey sometimes to actually find those content pillars, but it's good to start with at least a couple and we're going to see that we're going to use those and put them in our content calendar so that the posts that we have, maybe it be that a month or two, we can look at those posts. We can see the analytics on LinkedIn, for example, and we can start comparing, and, growing with our brand, guidelines. So here are My four pillars. So from here, now what we want to get for those of
Isar:you not watching when she's saying here are my four pillars, it actually gave us the four pillars, but with many bullet points under each one of what could be samples and examples and ideas under these content pillars. And I will say one more thing about saving prompts. It doesn't matter where you save your prompts in this particular case, Claire saves them in the actual project, which is like a pretty cool. I've never seen anybody do that, but I use a tool called magical Chrome extension, which as it names suggest is magical, but all it is it's just a text expander. So I have all the regular prompts that I use regularly in there and you save a shortcut. So as an example, this could be, we're talking about content pillars, so I may make up a new word. So you can't use regular words because every time you're going to use them in Chrome, it's going to replace it with the prompt, but basically you put your, so all you do is you put in the entire prompt, you like the content of it. And then you create a shortcut that could be conned pill as a shortcut for content pillars. And then every time you type con pill, it will bring up the entire prompt. Prompt and you can do this because yeah. And you do the same thing. it's just a great way to save prompts in a way that they will work across all your different tools because all of them run in Chrome.
Claire:That's a great tip because, again, there are so many different ways of doing it and Magical is a really good tool to create those triggers. Yeah. Okay. Careful what you put the triggers as right. Cause otherwise you're just like, you've learned from it as well. Okay. I have, my four, content pillars and then now, what I'm going to do is I want to create a content calendar itself. and so I have a, prompt here as well, which is to actually ask ChapGPT how to, create that content calendar and I'll share it. But basically it's about, saying that there are my, here is, what I want it to be. This is my themes, my, my brand voice is this, and then here are my four content pillars and you would insert those. Thank you. And then you can post, depending on where you're starting out and even wherever you are, it might be that you only want to post once a week. It might be that you've posted once a week and because you've learned how incredibly easy this is, you might start doing it five times a week. So there's hope. but I've put this to generate a monthly content condo with three posts per week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and for each post include. But again, these are things that, you can, you can focus it and have it as short or large as you want as far as a prompt. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy and paste, my prompt, which I have over here. And we are now going to create. a content calendar. This is all specifically with my four content pillars, which is ethical AI implementation, AI driven content strategy, leadership and innovation, upskilling and workflow integration. And I am going to just see what it comes up with. Now you can do it like this and it will obviously, show it and we'll be here forever because it's a monthly one. So I'm going to stop it. And what I'm going to do is show
Isar:you But by the way, before she stopped it, it started with week one, Monday, title, pillar, focus, audience, source. Like each and every one of the things she requested in the prompt. And then it's going to go to Wednesday, Friday, week two, and so on and do the whole thing. So it's following the instructions beautifully. it's just going to take a while. We want to expedite the process.
Claire:Yes. And also what I wanted to do was show you and compare that. it can either do it that way or you can actually with the three dots that you have, you can click on canvas and you can put the same prompt in and then it's going to open it up. If you're not aware of what canvas is, showing you lots of the tricks of chat GPT and it will open up in a separate window so that we can edit over here or we can edit actually on this window here. But. Again, we are going to stop it after a few, actually, I'm going to stop it right here and then I'm going to ask it to, it create. This in a CSV file format so I can copy and paste into Notion, for example. Notion is a place where I like to keep organized, so I will do that. And let's see what happens. I'm being very brave.
Isar:While we're waiting, I want to talk a little bit about Canvas. Because when I said before, projects is one of the biggest gifts that OpenAI gave us. Canvas is the biggest gift recently that OpenAI gave us. Canvas allows you to have a collaborative environment between you and the AI. And what I mean by that is a side by side window where you have on the right, the content on the left, your conversation with the AI and on the right window, you can highlight a short section and then give it a comment just on that. So make that longer, make that shorter. I wanted to create this section as bullet points, like whatever it is you can highlight within the document itself relates to that segment. It also knows how to make the whole thing longer or shorter. It knows how to change. The level of English from kindergarten, all the way to grad school, like anything you want, it's just a great environment to work in. And the coolest thing is you can actually edit manually. You can literally go in there as if it's a Word document and edit what the AI wrote. So it's literally from a collaborative. Work environment, the best tool out there right now, because you can use the AI to write the whole thing. You can use the AI to edit stuff, but you can also edit manually yourself and then have the AI just fix it for language and alignment and things like that. So it's a really fantastic tool and a great recommendation from Claire.
Claire:Yeah. And proof in the pudding. I used it to create this entire workflow for this live event. it's something that I use. I'm asking it right now to give me the CSV file link, because as you can see. We've gone from that other window where we had all the texts that we could go in and literally edit on it, to this CSV so that I can copy and paste it's been quite slow. It should give me the link. Um, what are you going to do? But otherwise I can just, prove there's one that I did earlier. Here is my content calendar. Let's just pull it up and bring it over here. Let me just do this. Here it is. And so it actually will then create this marvelous File that CSV file into Notion, for example, right?
Isar:So again, those of you who don't know, ChatGPT knows how to export CSV. It knows how to export PPTX. So if you want to create PowerPoint presentation, so all you have to ask is ask for the file and it gives you a link, and then you can download the output in the format that you want it, and then you can import it to more or less any tool you want.
Claire:And there it is. Look, just as, thank goodness we were having a chat. So we can download the file right there. we can close that because we've got videos to create so I mean we stopped waffling on so Okay, let's
Claire:But it's 6 25 and it's like we've got so much to do. Okay, so Now we want to create a linkedin post because we've got to do that because we want to create this video as well, right? So I'm going to do the whole shebang, so you can't say that I've left anything out. So now in order to create a post, I'm going to stop this, go back into projects. So remember I said that there is an area where I've actually, I've got post creator and hook and template posts and files memorized in here. I've also got a, prompt as well for a post. Maybe not. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy and paste this. It's a prompt to create a post. Your role as an AI content strategist focus on ethical AI adoption and business innovation. Create a LinkedIn post aligned with content pillar one. So this is something that I've pulled from my CSV file. and then the structure of the post. is hook, start with a bold attention grabbing statement, then a re hook, then the one with content, and then the challenge or the question, then five call to action. Again, there are many different ways to construct a post. We're not going to get lost in it. But there is one thing that I wanted to do while I put this to work and it creates my beautiful post, although it's writing hook and re hook and all that sort of stuff, I'm going to have to tell it what to do. don't write in the headings and put in 45 characters. Now, why did I say that? Because we have mobile and we have desktop. So most people are on their mobile with LinkedIn. So that is why we have to put it into this 45 characters per line. Some people say 50. That is what I say. So here is my post. Okay. Beautiful. Now, again, I'm not going to get into the structure of that. So I just want to open up. My notion dashboard for those poor people have said, What is notion? I don't know what she's talking about. Now, it could be tidier. Welcome to my world. Those are my two girls up there. this is my sort of overview right now. So from my 250 AI tools library, let's just go right down right now into my content planner, and I'll open it up and show you what it looks like now. I can then, this is, again, it's a wonderful place to stay organized, particularly when it comes to your content. You've got your CSV file and you can upload it in here. and then we can pull from it because we want to be organized as far as ideas we might pull. Where do we get our ideas from? I got my idea for the post that I was talking about from this new, Fabulous. The European union have had enough when it comes to deep sick and they're like, we're going to create our own LLM. So I thought, we've got to talk about that. So with that, that is the basis of my post. So let's just see here, for example. This is something that's a work in progress for Monday. This is where I would put in my post and underneath I could put in, maybe get an article and then this is the script that will go with my video. I hope you're following me, but I'm just trying to keep you organized and show you the good stuff in Notion.
Isar:So I'll pause you just for one second to do a quick recap of the process that we did, right? We used AI to help identify the ICP. We use that to create the. Pillars that we're going to talk about the different types of content that will attract and be valuable to that audience. We then created a content calendar that we then exported to bring into notion. All notion does is allows you to keep a lot of stuff in one place in various formats. So in this particular case, we're looking at a content planner. That is a calendar, but in the backend, you can have the documents that connect to each and every one of those dates, and you can have your, to do list like the actual actions that you need to take in order to perform this and the tasks to the team and all these kind of things, you can do very similar things with ClickUp or Monday or Jira or Asana, whatever other management tool that you're using, and then, We looked into one of these items, so now we know that item is under one specific pillar. So we know in this particular case, it needs to be an update about something that has to do with regulation. And so Claire found an article that has to do with that, and she created a script. Or her specific post for this coming Monday. So it's not out yet, but we can see it on the calendar. That's what is scheduled and it, and the cool thing about having this calendar, especially when it's so quickly created is that then you don't have to think about, Oh, what am I going to create? Like you already know, it tells you what you need to create for which day. And you just have to find the right, Content for that. And you can use AI to search for that content. If you don't know how to search yourself.
Claire:Yes. So now let's dive
Isar:into the actual script.
Claire:No, but it's cool that you explained it that way because, I'm not going to show you behind the scenes, but thinking about behind the scenes in notion, you would, if you had Monday, Wednesday, Friday posts, you would have a separate and you can do it as lean as you want, and you can just add. Do all your stuff behind the scenes and then put some more of the clean stuff here. I like to leave a little bit of room for flexibility because things are changing and news is so fabulous that it's nice to go to heck with that. I'm going to put this in instead. But if you are, if you're working away, doing workshops, whatever it is, and you've got all of this automated, which is something else that we can show you, then you can just relax because you know that everything is going out automatically, and there you have it. good. Let's go back to ChatGPT. There's my post. Now what I want to do is I want to create a script. The script would basically be about, let me see, no, that is my script. Let's go back to here. blah, blah, blah. Okay. Here's my post. So let's just put underneath this, create a script. So let's turn this into a LinkedIn post. So here's my prompt. And you can say this as simply as you want. Turn it into a 30 second script. It should be concise, engaging, aligned with the content pillar, et cetera, et cetera. Okay. So we want a 30 second script. Why? Because nobody's got any time for anything else and on LinkedIn specifically It's scrolling, TikTok, it's all sort of short videos. We want to be concise as possible. The structure of it is very much similar to a post. We want hooks, we want people to be engaged, and et voila. There is my script, and then I would basically copy and paste my script. And finally, we're going to go into Descript and we're actually going to create a video. I know you were wondering what was going on. As You're doing this, I'll tell you that the Main thing that just happened in the last step is we converted a text format post to a script that could be a video, right? So what Claire is going to actually read or say during the video versus what's going to be posted underneath that in LinkedIn as the actual post itself. Thank you for explaining that. Exactly. Because if you remember when we showed you in Notion, I had my posts like this and underneath I had a link to an article, if there is one, and then I had my script. So now, for example, let's say I have one prepared here. I'm going to copy and paste this. let me just copy this, and then let's start a new project. Pretend you never saw this. I'm in Descript. Descript is an incredible video editing content tool. I have a paid version. there are, you can have a free trial on it as well. I believe. I think I'm paying, I don't know, 15, 20 a month, but the amount of videos I do is no wonder. And it really pays off. And we save so much time. So I'm going to click on new project here. obviously this is my entire projects library. You can also learn about Descriptive here, which is great as well. Cause you're not going to have me and Isa and I all the time helping you out. Here are all my projects. You can learn Descript here. I'm going to create a new project. Do I want video, audio, quick recording, record with others? I'm going to do a new project. Video. So we can upload it. We can click from my computer. I might have a file already. We can post a video link from YouTube or Giphy. We can go straight into recording, import from Zoom. Goodness me, right AI speech. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to click enter and it will pull this up for me. I'm just literally going to copy and paste. now that wasn't difficult at all, was it? Copy and paste my script. Okay. I'm going to, name it, so we can call it, Europe, you can do whatever you like here, European, Europeans answer to deep, seek, and try to be tea or whatever. And that is my title. So now I have my script. Now, what I can do is click on add speaker and I could actually have, I've given permission to Descript to record my voice. And so my script, my voice is actually recorded here. So I can literally just click, AI Claire, and I would have a audio, but I want to do a video. So right now, what we're going to do is. We're going to record. This is going to be interesting. I am going to, I've done one earlier. as you can see, when I hit record, my video shows up. There I am. Now, obviously, I'd be looking at the other screens. Just imagine there's a side one. now obviously we've set everything up, my camera, my screen. Now I can do audio only, I can do camera, or I can share my screen, as well as my face, and record with others. But let's just keep it simple, I am going to do a video right now, of me reading this marvelous script. talk amongst yourselves. Here we go. House me in. Hello, I've already made an absolute mess of this, but don't worry, we can edit it out. AI is shaping how we work, but who controls it matters. Most AI models are black boxes. We don't know how they make decisions. Oh wait, I should go a bit faster. What data they use or if they align with our values. That's why Open Euro's LLM and I want to say Open AI That's why Open Euro LLM is important. Oh dear, I've messed up again. Deary, deary me. I can pause it because the doorbell rang or whatever and I don't want to keep repeating it and keep going in and out, creating a new project. Or I think I've had enough there and I'm going to stop. I'm sure you've had enough of me anyway. Now what it's going to do, it's going to create this video. Underlord is my AI assistant that is in Descript. So there are a number of things that I can do. One of the most incredible ones is to remove filler words so all the ums and ahs you literally just press that it will highlight everything in the script into yellow and you just go remove them filler words and boom it's gone another one of my favorite ones is eye contact. People have actually said, am I an avatar? Because literally you press eye contact and if I haven't been looking at the screen, boom, it will make my eyes look at the screen. So let's now watch this. Hello, I've already made an absolute mess of this, but don't worry, we can edit it out. So let's just take that out. I'm going to highlight it. I'm going to get rid of it.
Isar:So again, to explain to people who are not listening, what's happening. So the script Allows us to do something that is literally completely revolutionized how we edit video. Historically, we looked at these timeline editing tools where you have to find where you said something wrong or where you wanted to change something. Find on that timeline where did you stop saying that thing, highlight that section, cut it out, and then merge the two other sections together. And what the script actually allows you to do is it transcribes everything that you're saying or that you're uploading. And then. It creates a quote unquote word document of it, right? It creates the text transcription off the video. So you have the video on the right, you have the transcription on the left, and you actually have the traditional timeline on the bottom. If you want to add B roll or layers or other stuff on top of it. but when you want to remove stuff, you can, or move it around and change the order, you can literally just copy, paste, cut, and delete from the text, and it will remove, cut, paste, or delete from the video and audio as well. So a monkey can edit video really well, really fast, even before all the underlord AI tools that can do a lot of other cool stuff. So it's a really effective way. So when Claire purpose said, Oh, I already messed this up. All you have to do is highlight that sentence, hit delete. And that's it. That's all you have to do. And you highlight it in the text. So you don't have to look for it in the video.
Claire:Exactly. And. We also, if we want to get like even fancier, we want to go in, we can show the timeline and we can actually start cutting out from there, but we'll just leave that, because I want to keep it as simple as possible. So let's say that, this is spelled wrong, right? So it's okay, so I'm going to highlight this and I correct it by literally AI block capitals and it will change it. I'm going to just take out this little chunk as well. And, and let's say I think that's absolutely fabulous. Now I want to put some captions in. this is pretty straightforward as well. I can actually just click on whichever sort of, I don't know, option I want, and it will generate, all of those captions for me instantly. I can change the color of it. I can also change, the font and I can change, how big it is. I can move it. As well across the screen. make it bigger, etc. I can also when i'm editing It's really nice to know that I can actually pull the video up if I want to see you know more on the video aspect or I can actually move in with the text as well I could what else can I do here? you can change
Isar:it to landscape and portrait depending on the format Because
Claire:linkedin we need to have a portrait so what happens is You It then puts it in portrait. It's just stuck a bit, but it'll just wake up in a minute. There it is. Now what happens, I need it in portrait, obviously, as I was saying for LinkedIn. So then it's a question of literally, look at this, just moving like this. And now I have it. In the larger version. What else would I be able to do? You know what I'm going to do right now? And then, and if I want to publish I don't know, there's so many other things. We can add the b roll and stuff like that as well. But I want to show you one that I've done earlier I think. Which is a lot prettier. but as far as actually wanting to publish this, it's so simple. You click there where it says publish, you can, publish it either, change the title as web link, et cetera. I'm going to click on export and I can just have, I can have video, audio, timeline, subtitles only, et cetera. And we can actually change if we want to change resolution quality audio, but I'm going to leave it. Just as is, and if I was to export that, click on export, it starts to immediately do that and go to my desktop. Meanwhile, I'm going to open up a project that I did earlier, which is in relation to the post that I created, which is here. So you're going to see a post that is actually going out, or actually has gone out. So this is
Isar:like a cooking show. You're showing us the ingredients and I'm like, Oh, look what comes out of the oven.
Claire:I'm getting hungry. Just talking about it. I wish. so open your LLM. That's my title. That is my, script, the same script. but this is just a little prettier, editing. and we've actually got some B roll in as well. And I want to show you how to do this. So basically if we want to just add some more b roll in like this, I'm going to click Here, for example, and I'm going to put a slash, and then it will open up another window, and then I'm going to go over into, let me see, into stock, and I am going to look for visuals. So related to, for business, this isn't just about AI, it's about trust, compliance, and accountability. Let's see what happens with trust. I'm not sure we're going to get anything, but you never know. So, we'll just choose. bits that we want actually, we want images, show all images because we got videos, we got all sorts. Let's put a cat and a dog in there. Not really relevant. That would make you laugh. No, let's put that one in there. We'll put that in the handshaking. I think that's a little more relevant. It's not a comedy hour. so you can see that it is here, so basically all I want to do is just, I can Lift it here over here. Boom. So now when I was to play this back, let's go from here. Although it's okay. Fine. Thank you for again, to
Isar:explain to the people who are not watching every time you want a different video to show up. That is not your video. You can highlight that section and then go to a search mode that finds the gazillion video and images, and you can search for whatever you want. And then Literally, as you pick one, it will replace your video with that video or that image for the length that you highlighted, either by highlighting or by adding slash signs to segment it from the other segments. But either way, adding more video B roll, zooming in, zooming out, whatever you want to do to get like a pattern interrupt, which is always recommended when you're creating videos is very easy to do. I would say one more thing about the script. One thing that is really cool is that you can save. Multiple templates. So let's say we now know that we always want to create it in a portrait format. We always want the subtitles to be in this color, in that font. We know we want a header in that color, in that font, and we want a title. to have our lower third saying our name and the name of our company always on the bottom, you can create that as a template. And then you bring in your video, record the video and you select the template and you're done. Like all the things that just Claire had to do, which still took her like three minutes, which is way faster than all traditional ways, literally happened with one click because it's a part of an existing template that you've created. So when we do our content, like for the leveraging AI, show, We have, I don't know, 20 different templates with one person above the other, which is one speaker with one speaker and the other one as a little green screen guy on the bottom, which you can also do. You can remove the background of the video in this platform. And so we have all these templates and we have a different one for LinkedIn and we have a different one for YouTube and we have a different one for Facebook. And all you have to do is select the ones you want and it will recreate it in the new format with one click. And then you can, like Claire said, just hit publish and you have the video.
Claire:exactly. There's just such so many things that it can do. and having those templates, the more you do this, the better and easier it's going to be and more time you'll save. So as you can see, like LLM is important. It's an open source AI built with transparency, privacy, and European ethics in mind. And let's just go to here. And then we'll just see that switch that we made by putting that new image in and see if it works. It's a big tech for businesses. This isn't just about AI. Obviously I could have made this like this because I hadn't finished but I think you get the drift. Accountability. Are you thinking about who controls your AI? I think you get the drift. That is my, finished video. So now what would I do? then I would take my, then I would, then we, I'm going to stop sharing because we've got to, make sure that we've got our video. Imagine I've got my video on my desktop. Now I'm going to go, am I going to go into the world of super grow or am I just going to go into LinkedIn? I think we're going to keep it real. it's I think. I know where your head's
Isar:going. And I was actually asking myself, which direction you're going to go. So I will let you go with whatever direction you want.
Claire:There's so many options, but we could do one of two things. We could take that post. Remember in notion, in fact, I'm going to share my screen because there's nothing like a visual. I'm a visual kind of person. We could take that post. We could take that video and we could just go straight into LinkedIn and we could create a post. We can either schedule it or we can just put it in there straight away and boom, there's my post. But no, that's just not enough because we want to leave you with something extra. Welcome to the world of SuperGrow. SuperGrow is an incredible, I would say, LinkedIn Extraordinary, automation, for your posts. Here, for example, I have my calendar. This is my week view. I can have a month view. You can see all the videos that I will have lined up. But let's right now talk about this one that we were just actually looking at. So this is the video and this is the post and it's already gone out. Make sure you give it lots of love. It went out at 6 30. But let's use the example of showing you how to create a post right now. Write manually. Imagine that I have my post right now. So I'm going to go back to my post. I'm going to copy and paste it because I'm going to go into my content planner and I'm going to take this post right here. Here it is. It's ready. I'm going to copy and paste it. I am now back in SuperGrow. I am just literally going to copy and paste it here. Now, SuperGrow, we need to do another webinar for this, but basically it Can create posts for you from voice to tech. You can create ideas with voice from a PDF from YouTube, et cetera. But let's just keep it simple. I'm writing a post and now I'm going to actually add a video to it. So I'm going to collect my video off my screen. That obviously would be relevant to the post. Let's just pretend that it is this one again, and you'll see it's really simple to add. So imagine I've now got my post in here and I'm going to schedule it, or I could publish it right away. I can take the calendar out. I can choose my day. I can choose my time because I always want to just post at the same time. Let's say Saturday, 4 p. m. And it even warns me that there's low engagement warning on a Saturday. All right then, I will do it on a Friday. And we can schedule it. And then I'm going to get a pile of confetti. And I can, and I know that I am going to, let's see where that is. Let's go into next week. Where did I put it for? And it's like a quick, there it is. I know that post is going to go out and it's fantastic because I'm working all day that day, even though I should probably be on LinkedIn to actually talk and engage a little bit with my people, but if I can't have no fear, I can view it. I can edit it. I can cancel it. I can add some comments in there as well. for further reading, I can add another comment and so I can put it for 15 minutes later, maybe I can put it for 25 minutes later, update those comments and you will see that I have comments that are going to go out 10 minutes later, 15 minutes later. I feel that is an awful lot of information, but that is all I've got right now without these poor people.
Isar:first of all, awesome stuff. I want to go back to where I stopped the previous, like quick summary. So if you remember, we ended up with a calendar on notion and the calendar on notion had ideas of what to post and when, and behind it, it was connected to the post itself. So what we're going to write that. Chachupiti wrote for us based on the information we gave it in the projects and the information we gave it in the prompts and the specific topic we gave it and our brand and all of that stuff. So it created the post for us. And then we asked Chachupiti to create a script for us. So then we took that script and Claire took it to Actually recording it. And she recorded it on the script, edit it very quickly on the script, used a descript template to make it look fancy and suitable for LinkedIn. And then you have the post, you have the video and how you attach them into a scheduling software, and then. You're good to go. So now you're planning calendar on notion is reflected with the actual thing that is going to go out in whatever scheduling software you use. And there's a bunch of them. And in some of those software, like we just seen, you can even plan your own comments on the thing. So it drives engagement and you can add more information other than the post itself. This is really, like Claire said, a lot of information that we covered in 45 minutes, but it really provides you a full gamut beginning to end soup to nuts, call it whatever you want to call it, of how to first and foremost approach the content creation process. From a strategic structure process perspective, we also provide a lot of tactical ways on how to do in between, but versus Oh, I know I need to create content today. What am I going to create? I dunno, and how am I going to create it to, I can now go on vacation for a month. And these posts are going to go out on time with the right structure, according to the topics that my audience actually cares about. That's going to provide them value with three
Claire:weeks in LA. And I literally had these posts going out, it was fantastic.
Isar:So huge difference from waking up in the morning and figuring out what I'm going to post about today. and it's stress free once you have this machine built out. Now, the other thing that it does, by the way, that is very helpful, that goes back to, either going on vacation, but even on a regular basis, you don't want to be creating content every single day. You have a business to run, you have clients to meet, you have, whatever it is that you're doing in your day to do beyond just creating content. So doing this process allows you to batch. So you can say, I'm going to block two hours of my time every other Monday or whatever day of the week is your slowest day. Usually not a Monday. And, I'm going to block two hours of my time and go work on eight posts, which are going to go out in the next two weeks. And then unless something crazy happens that you have to talk about, which then, okay, now go ahead and do a, like a manual process, but then you don't have to worry about content for two weeks and then you do it again and again. And so it's just such a completely different mindset to, I'm going to figure it out as I go along.
Claire:Yes. yes. It's nice to have peace of mind. Somebody did actually mention in the chat here about, what about commenting and things like that, on people's posts? Absolutely. yes, the idea is to, I go on half an hour before my post goes out and half an hour after so that I can find, engage with the people that I'm engaged with and answer any comments. So yes, ideally that is the scenario. And I, when I said I was in LA for three weeks, I actually was doing and commenting as well. And it is so nice to just literally be able to be there for them, just like you're there for your clients, because you have, AI tools to help you in your job. So it's all the good stuff.
Isar:Claire, this was absolutely fantastic. And I said in the beginning, people need to take a lot of notes. I'm sure people will probably watch this again, where they can take a lot of notes. So this was very helpful. for those of you who, again, we're just listening to this and want to see what we're seeing on the screen, as I mentioned, there's a YouTube version of this, and there's a link in the show notes, or you can literally click on that when you are in front of a screen and you have time to watch, and now we know what we talked about, so you can jump to the right time, if you Claire, if people want to follow you, learn from you, know more stuff, how do they do that?
Claire:Sure. Thanks. I'm on LinkedIn. and that is, I post 3 PM. that is a European central European time. every weekday. I also have a newsletter that goes out on Friday because I love reading the news, every day. And I know that it's really hard for people. There's also wonderful newsletters such as yours, Elsa, but they're, I read the news. Selfishly, I've got a newsletter so that, I keep in touch with the news, but I also make sure that you don't miss out on the news as well. So that comes out every Friday, and I repost it on a Saturday.
Isar:Awesome. Since we're mentioning stuff that's happening, we are opening, let the registrations open for the next cohort of the AI business transformation course. It's a course that we've been teaching since April of 2023, at least once a month. So either higher hundreds or lower thousands of people have been through that course already. The next session starts on February 17th. So if you Do not know how to get into the air world and actually start being productive. Like now, this is something you don't want to miss. We usually teach this course to companies and organizations privately. So we do these publicly open courses about once a quarter. So if you miss this one, you're already going to be in Q2, which means by the time you graduate and start implementing, you missed half the year. So if you need. A way to figure out a plan to start implementing AI in your business or in your personal life or for whatever other reason, don't miss this thing. We have a campaign for anybody who's listening to this podcast, use promo code, leveraging AI 100 to get 100 hours off the course. The course, as I mentioned, is four sessions every Monday, noon, Eastern for four weeks. And in between we meet every Friday for AI Friday hangouts. for open Q and a. So if you have any questions, things you learned, you're not sure you tried that work, you can come and join us on Fridays and get some answers. Wait, that's it for me. Thank you everyone for being so active in the chat and for participating in this fantastic conversation. Thank you so much, Claire. This was everything that I was dreaming of and more. So lots and lots of information. Thank you so much.
Claire:Thank you everybody. And thanks. These are really marvelous.