Leveraging AI

100 | The Biggest AI Online Event of the Year Part 1

Isar Meitis Season 1 Episode 100

Learn from and connect with the top AI practitioners from LinkedIn, all in one place.

What to Expect:
→ Mind-blowing, actionable AI tips from each experts that businesses can implement immediately
→ Exclusive, can't-miss offers related to each speaker's area of expertise (consulting, courses, platforms, services, and more)
→ A power-packed session delivering massive value in a compact format

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the most brilliant minds in AI.

- Signup for the AI Business Transformation course here: https://multiplai.ai/ai-course/ (use the coupon LEVERAGINGAI100 to get $200 off!)
- Find the cheat sheet from all the experts here: https://services.multiplai.ai/ai-cheatsheet
- Get notifications to our future AI expert events you can do it here: https://services.multiplai.ai/events

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Hello and welcome to episode 100 of the Leveraging AI podcast. This is a special episode. We've done this as a live recording that was live both on Zoom and on LinkedIn. There were over 1500 people who participated in this live, which was really fun. More importantly, there were 18 AI experts, each sharing the best AI tip they have in five minutes of time. So it's going to be drinking from a firehose of amazing AI content. Since this was a two hour event, we are going to release this in two separate podcast episodes, episode one 100 a and episode 100 B, which is going to be episode 100 and 101. But, you'll be able to consume it. We'll release the first one today and the other one in a few days. If you're listening to this after it's been released, you can obviously binge them back to back. I'm just letting you know what happened before we get started a little note from us. we have just opened the registration to the July cohort of our AI business transformation course. It's a course I have been teaching personally since April of last year. We teach two courses every single month, but most of them are private sessions for specific companies. So very rarely, actually once a quarter, we open a public available force. But only once a quarter, we open a publicly available course. And the next one is starting on July 8th. So if you're looking for ways to dramatically improve your understanding of AI and more importantly, how to integrate it within a business context, including systems and processes and strategy and so on, this is the course for you. We had hundreds of companies take this course so far and make amazing transformations as a result of it. And as part of the celebration of the episode 100 podcast, we're giving$200 off the course, which we've never done before. And it's valid through the end of the month. If you're listening to this on the month of June, you are still in luck, go and sign up quickly. Also, we have a limited amount of seats. It's on a first come first serve basis. So grab your seat now right now the promo code to the 200 off is LEVERAGINGAI100 all in uppercase in order to celebrate the episode 100 of Leveraging AI. And with that, let's dive into the celebration and the amazing AI value of episode 100 of the Leveraging AI podcast.


Hello and welcome everyone to a live episode 100 of Leveraging AI, the podcast that shares practical ethical ways to leverage AI to improve efficiency, grow your business and advance your career. This is Isar Matis, your host, and I am super excited today. First of all, because of you, like all of you in the audience, we're having Hundreds of people join us on Zoom, join us on LinkedIn. It's an absolute party. There's gonna be a total based on the number of people sign up of over 500 people between Zoom and LinkedIn based on an event that wasn't even made up 10 days ago. This is absolutely amazing. The second reason I'm excited is it's episode 100, right? It's a big milestone of the podcast of leveraging AI podcast that a year ago. May of last year when I launched, it wasn't even on the very far horizon. And yet we're here. And the third one is obviously the amazing list of experts that sign up for this thing. So I sent up about 20 invitations. I thought, eight to 12 people are going to say yes. And all 20 said, yeah, absolutely. We want to do this. So we have a list of amazing 20 speakers with us in the audience. What I would like to do, I'm going to name all of them right now. And I would like you to write in the chat, which one you actually came to see, because I want to give a little award to the person that brought the most amount of people. So we have Ashley Gross, Audrey Chia, Celeste Emile, Charlie Hills, Chris Daigle, Drew Brucker. Isabella Bedoya, James Lindsay, Jeremy Gandilon, Johanna stoffer again, Jordan Wilson, Justin Hardy, Carly A, Lisa Adams, Mariana Sadakni, Nancy Bain, Rory Flynn, Susan Frew, and Valeria. I got it. So it's great to have all of you here. It's really exciting. I don't know if anybody ever puts 20 experts to try to give AI tips in two hours. I, if they have their idiots, because this was not easy to do, but it's really exciting. And they're going to talk about multiple topics. The way this is going to work is each and every one of these experts is going to have five minutes to share their goods with you. And if they have a special offer and a lot of them have amazing offers for you, as far as their products and services, they'll be able to share that with you. But each and every one of them will have five minutes and that's not going to be easy. We're going to get started. So pull out whatever note taking tool you have, whether it's a pen and pencil, whether it's a, notepad, whether it's an actual computer, whatever it is you want, take screenshots, do whatever you want to do. And we are going to get started. There's going to be again, amazing deals in the end, but for now, get ready to drink some AI knowledge from a fire hose, because this is what it's going to feel like in the next two hours. And let's go. So we're going to start with Audrey Chia. So Audrey exploded on LinkedIn in the past year, like literally came out of nowhere and became a huge name that everybody follows. And everybody wants to collaborate with, including myself. And she's amazing in helping people grow their brand and awareness on LinkedIn. And she's going to share with us today, how to leverage AI to build your own personal brand. Audrey, share your magic. Thank you for the lovely introduction. And I am glad to be the first one on the list. Very exciting to be here. And I'm very happy to be learning from all of these amazing guests. So without further ado, I'm just gonna share my screen here. So for my mini takeaway today, it's all about how you can actually leverage AI to build your personal brand. And for those of you who don't know me, I grew from 0 to 30k followers in And I am also ranked top 20 in Singapore's top creators next to my president. So very happy about it. I told my mom when she laughed, she said, that's not an achievement, but still. Yeah. So today's chat is really all about figuring out, how you can actually leverage the best of human strategy with AI execution to build your personal brand. And this is just a mini snippet, right? So before using AI, you need to first figure out what are the foundations of your personal brand and you need to align on your key content pillars. So this is something that I always do before even using AI to execute on work, right? So I run a human AI copywriting consultancy, and I am known for my AI supercharged copywriting systems and frameworks. This also means that I need to have very clear content pillars that allow my audience to know What I do, which means when I post content, it needs to fall under these three categories, AI, entrepreneurship, and copywriting, right? And the way that it could be formatted could be different. You could have a carousel post, a video post, or even just a text based post. So here's what I mean. For example, I have three different buckets here, right? AI entrepreneurship copywriting. And you can see that they are also formatted in different ways. You have a cheat sheet, you have a personal story post, and you have a carousel. But here's the fun part. If you are just getting started and you're like, this is very overwhelming, Audrey, you need your content pillars, you need your content types. How do I go about it? This is where your chat GPT prompt can come in. So i'm just going to share the chat GPT prompt that I have here and you can always tweak it and edit it So in this case, I am sharing like hey, you are an expert linkedin strategist Now I want you to develop a content strategy for me using this exact matrix I have provided and in this case you can see here that I have Three proposed content buckets per theme, per funnel. So it's very strategic in how I craft it. I wanted to pick a suitable hook for me and write a strong hook for each of the buckets. Plus a one liner description of what I should talk about. So this is your baseline, right? Your foundations. You can always mix and match different things. You can always change the prompt, right? But what you need to do is to also give it your name, your role, your company, your description. Your target audience. This is so important as well as remember the three LinkedIn posts themes, right? So over here, I actually added a kind of like table where you have top, middle, bottom, or funnel. You have the different topics like copywriting, AI, as well as entrepreneurship. And then you look into what types of content you want per final stage. Now you can see all this in the notion file that we'll be sharing after the entire chat, but I will proceed to show you how I constructed the rest of the prompts. So the next part of the prompt is, can I give it such a hook example so that it's going to give me like the content, the one liner and a top performing hook. So over here, I added a list of, I think 50 or a hundred different hooks that are optimized for LinkedIn. And let's take a look at the results, right? So beautifully, ChetGBT came up with, here's my content theme, copywriting, right? Here's my different final stages. Top of final post talks about visibility. Mid of final post talks about authority. And bottom of final post talks about conversion, right? And you can see here under top of final post, trending topics, the most important skill that no one taught you. This is a great book, right? And then here I can talk about the latest trends in the copywriting industry, turn into a carousel. For example, middle funnel, a niche related update. Here's the future of copywriting, right? And you can always edit the prompt. So you can see the bottom of funnel would be something like client wins. How I achieved. X and Y time. So this is a super quick demonstration and run through, but feel free to edit the prompt and always remember to review and refine your results and integrate the best of human and AI for top quality results, I think I'm done. Bam. All right. Oh my God. Audrey, right on the second. That was awesome. What's your offer. I know you have a special offer for people. Yeah. So if you are interested, we have the LinkedIn launchpad where you have the done for you designs and AI content machine that I built with Jake George and also a mini virtual masterclass. So if you're interested, this is the offer that we have. Awesome. By the way, all these offers are going to be available in a thing that we're going to share with you in the end with all the content that they're sharing with you. So there's going to be a special folder with all the goodies in it. And if you want to know more, from Audrey, she was a guest on episode 43 off the podcast where she shared a lot more stuff. So you can go and check it out over there. And next we have Charlie Hills. Charlie, come on up. Hey, it's all good to be here. Awesome. so Charlie is, has years of experience as a marketer and as an entrepreneur. And his current focus is powering business Scott strategy and content strategy with AI, and he's going to share how AI writes content. All his newsletter, his news letters, which is absolutely amazing because he has many people reading them and is developed an amazing system instead of doing all the hard work. So Charlie stage is yours. Make the magic happen. Sure. Let's go ahead. Thank you for that. Is that all do appreciate it. So I've been writing my newsletter on LinkedIn for 34 weeks now. I started it purely as a passion project back in October. And the tedium of writing the newsletter manually was just getting to my head. And after a few months I realized, Hey, there might be a better way to do this. So I started using a custom GPT. It was okay. It degraded over time, but I realized there was maybe a better solution out there. And that's where I discovered the lovely Perplexity. Perplexity. If you're not using already, I'd highly recommend it's way better than chart GBT and Google Gemini in certain instances. Gemini, perplexity alone isn't going to write the entire newsletter for me. This is where prompt engineering. Comes in and the mega prompt that I've developed for my Plexi newsletter. I'll quickly go over it as I only have four minutes or so, but essentially what it does is that there's a few placeholders that I've set up here. I, all I have to do each week is change the edition, the date, and then that's it. That's it. Apart from the URLs. At the end of the at the end of the prompt which you know, that's a manual part of the process I have to go and go on my email inbox and find the latest Ai stories as well as just being active on linkedin if you're less active then you might have a problem there. But anyway we don't have enough time for to go into that. But anyway, so the title section of the prompt is quite comprehensive in itself I was having so many issues with the writing title casing and rather than sentence casing You So this section alone just focuses on the title, which includes extracting the key points, the title composition, And as well as some explanation, clarity, and conciseness, and then moving swiftly on to the intro. So in no more than 25 words, and I remember talking with Izar on the podcast, and he was actually quite surprised that the fact that perplexity does actually adhere to the word count. Other LLMs like Gemini, ChatGBT, they're naff at doing that. they're great for other things, but not adhering to word counts. And then we have a TLDR section, which means too late, didn't read. URLs, which we need to, feed perplexity to write the actual newsletter. The publisher, of course, always important to credit the original source and overview, no more than 16 words. Key points. And then this is where, my newsletter differentiates from others. It's, we have a you, unique marketers POV in no more than 25 words. this isn't just any generic newsletter. It's called Martek AI and yeah, CTA here, please subscribe to LinkedIn. I'd highly recommend that. And then also we have. Of some cross referencing and depth analysis when using AI, sometimes it spits out garbage. It makes things up. This section ensures that what we're finding on perplexity through the URLs isn't, made up and it's, yeah, it just covers, Some bases, but not all bases. We still have to manually go in and fact checked a few things. And finally the conclusion with the CTA and yeah, all the usual stuff. But anyway, I'll hop over right to perplexity and I'll paste in the mega prompt and at the bottom we have the URLs from the stories that I want to cover for this week. You could repurpose this and use whatever URLs you like. just make sure to change parts of the prompt. I'll press enter as this is a quickie. And let's see as newsletter is written in front of our very eyes here As you can see, it's got the publisher the overview key points marks pov It seems to be playing up for me today But as you can see, the majority of the newsletter is written This is probably cut down around 80 of my writing time versus doing it completely manually Great for first draft and as audrey mentioned, you know We can't just simply copy and paste this and post on LinkedIn. There's got to be some fine tuning and human overview before pressing publish. But all I simply do is copy and paste all of that, head over to LinkedIn, chuck it in there and the other manual part of the process is me, going on Canva and press lovely header, as you can see here, but besides that, it's all automated, which we love. It's, work smart. Not hard, that's what I'd say. And that's what my mega prompt does for you. And yeah, that's it in a nutshell. So I don't have too much. Again, for those of you who try to write newsletters and know how much work it is, especially these kinds that you have to research a lot of information, then put it together. This is nothing short of magic. And I know we're going to see more of that. this was amazing. Again, if you want to learn more, about what Charlie's doing and what he shared, you can go and check out episode 92 of the leveraging iPodcast. are you sharing any special deal with us or no? I'm not just follow me on LinkedIn, please. Okay. Follow Charlie on LinkedIn. The link is going to be in the chat. Next we have, Lisa Adams. Lisa is a highly accomplished C suite marketer who has held various executive marketing leadership positions in any kind of company can imagine from large to small in multiple industries. She's an expert on how to improve strategy. And she now knows how to integrate AI into that combined into her years of marketing leadership experience, and she's going to share how to use more than one AI as like a board and advisors or think tank to make better strategic decisions. Lisa, stage is yours. Hi Isar, hi everybody. So before I forget, here's my deck. just in case I forget to share that with you. Okay. So I'm going to share with you how to collaborate with more than one AI assistant simultaneously for a given task. And as I said, I'm a AI advisor, inspire people with what's possible with AI, with applied use cases. And I'm also a fractional CMO. And here are some of the reasons why you would want to use more than one AI. it's more brainpower. We have more. Robots to collaborate with and it will make our perspectives more diverse. We can check each other's work. it can also help us reduce hallucinations. So when one is hallucinating, the other one could hopefully pick it up. And hopefully they won't be hallucinating at the same time. It will help us find gaps and blind spots. And we will have a larger knowledge base because these AI assistants are trained very differently on different types of data. So I'll show you how we do that. So I'm going to start by. Prompting, chat GPT. You're an exceptional strategy analyst, thought partner, and collaborator below in the limiters. And that's just to help, organize the prompt is my analysis of Apple's WWDC or worldwide developer conference keynote, and my rationale for why I believe that it's a masterclass in marketing strategy using the rose thorn bud framework, which is basically the advantages, the disadvantages, and then the opportunities. Please give me your unbiased and honest assessment of my top three insights because, due to market impact. Please present the assessment in table form, take a deep breath and think about the step by step. There's no need to rush, I have full confidence in you. So here is ChatGPT's, here I upload my analysis of Apple's keynote and there's lots of analysis in here from Apple understanding its audience, staying true to its vision around privacy, personalization, and also experience, all the way to ability to strategically partner. You can actually see my LinkedIn post and the Forbes article that featured these things. So I uploaded all that to ChatGPT with the prompt. Oops, the beauty of live beautiful. That's right. And here is the response from chat GPT. It's assessment of my top three insights using the rose, thorn and bud framework. So you'll see that it assessed know your audience played to your strengths and differentiate your brand. It talked about the strengths of that analysis. The weaknesses of that analysis and then the opportunities for each one of those insights. So I love using frameworks. I love using tables because you can deeply understand how chat GPT is, or any other AI assistant is thinking about the different analysis. So then I go to Claude and I basically cut and paste everything that you saw that I had a conversation with ChatGPT. And I upload that to Claude and here's what it is, what it looks like. And I said, Hi, Claude. Same prompt, you're an exceptional strategy analyst, thought partner and collaborator. Attached is a conversation I had with ChatGPT. Please review and understand it well. What do you think of ChatGPT's output table? What would you change, if anything, to make it better, and why? Be critical, but pragmatic. If you change anything, output a revised table with rows and columns. Take your time and think about this step by step. I have full confidence in you as well. So here is Chet, is Claude's assessment. It basically said, I agree with two of the three. So now you're seeing Claude and Chap chat. GPT did not exactly agree on the top three. Claude basically said it likes, know your audience, differentiate your brand, and reframe the conversation. Conversation. It did not put plate to your strengths as the top. and then it explains why it shows, reframe the conversation. So here is now the table that, Claude Outputted, and the difference is what you see here. I then put all of that back into ChatGPT. This is what Claude said. ChatGPT, what do you think? And ChatGPT said, I agree with Claude. I agree that it's reframed the conversation. And then we now have the final, table. We got them to align. And that is my mini tip for you. And here's some, what do you call it? QR codes for the deck and for those tips. Awesome. What's your offer? Is there anything special that you want to give the audience? yeah. So just follow me on LinkedIn and, you get a 30 minute free consultation. If you're interested in applied use cases and AI strategy. Awesome. This was absolutely amazing. I really love your approach. I just can't wait for them to actually be able to speak. And then you literally have an actual meeting with them and let them debate. And then you get to enjoy all the benefits. we're almost there. I think, if you want to know more about Lisa and stuff that she has, shared on the podcast, she's been a guest on episode 66 of the leveraging AI podcast. so I won't forget because there's so many people I'm going to run fast. I'm going to share a few words about me. My background is being a CEO of tech startups. That's what I've done for over 20 years. My biggest company grew to a hundred million dollars in sales. I have two exits behind me. And at the end of 2022, like everybody, I'm like, Holy crap. The world is going to come to an end as we know it from a business perspective. And I dove all in. And one of the things that I want to share with you is I've been teaching courses on how to implement AI in your business and how to. And how to do this transformation from a business view perspective. Again, I've been a CEO for many years. So in addition to all the tactical details, I really understand the process and the strategy and the change management that comes with it. And that's what the course teaches. It teaches the basic, but it also teaches. The strategy and the process that you have to go within your business in order to achieve that. And today for the first time, and probably the only last time. so we've been teaching two of these courses a month. So we taught a lot of these courses. There's probably more than a few people in the audience right now that went through these courses. And it's the first time ever. We're going to give 200 off the course for the July session that starts on July 8th. And there's going to be a link. In, the chat, both on LinkedIn and in our chat, like on zoom to sign up. So if you're interested in transforming your career or transforming your business with AI, come and join us on the July horse. That's it about me. Now we're going to go to the next amazing expert. Rory Flynn come to the stage. Rory is, I'll say it very simple. He's the best AI visual content creator in the world today, period. And I know some people might get offended, but that's my personal opinion. And it's my show. So I can say what I want. But, in addition, he creates these amazing guides on how you can do exactly what he's doing. I'm trying every time I never managed to do it as good as him, but I've dramatically improved my visual content creation capabilities. Because of Rory's guides and Rory is going to teach us how to build a storyboard in mid journey to juice internal production and turn around times. Rory stage is yours. Awesome. Thanks. Sorry. Yeah, man. It's it's awesome. I appreciate everyone being here today. So I'm going to try and do a bunch of this real quick, but the, reality is the reason why we started using things like AI is because just operationally we had a ton of holes and we could never get design output enough. Oftentimes I say we're not thinking big enough with AI and we're not actually thinking small enough. So really where we look is for opportunities within. businesses and operations, even as small as tasks and workflows. So where we can plug these little AI tools in and actually just make things faster, because that makes us more efficient. That makes everyone happier, right? That makes our clients happier. It's our employees happier. So I'm going to share a couple of quick things here. I'm going to try to rip through this, so basically, this could be seven hours worth, but I'm trying to get it done in two minutes now when you're storyboarding with mid journey, right? Like why do we need storyboards? There's a lot of people here that are probably in the marketing space. We all know that this is something that you do, whether it's for visual advertisements or, mood boarding, things like that. So this can all be useful, how to stay on brand, how to utilize. Something like mid journey is they get from point A to point B without having to go through 17 different layers of production. typically what we're utilizing here is we're starting with prompt categories, the basic prompt structure, and it all starts with the image construction, right? what are the basic fundamentals of images and image construction? Then from there, once we have a bunch of base images that we can utilize, then we'll go and transfer the styles. We keep everything on brand, right? That's probably the biggest thing here is you want to have consistency across scenery. You want to have consistency across characters and something like storyboards. So we use two different functions there, SRF and CRF on mid journey, and then we put everything together. So I'm gonna show you a quick breakdown on how we think about this. But when we start, like basically we're breaking down. An image, right? what does an image actually hold? And what does an image actually contain? So typically we're looking at things like the subject and the action. Who is it? What are they doing? The environment where it takes place, composition and shot type, super important. There's a big difference between someone that's close up and a drone shot, right? Like it tells a different story. So we always try to highlight that, mood, emotion, and feeling that's good for the brand, depending on what you're, who you're working for, what you're doing it for. Always, mid journey tends to handle that pretty well. So that's technical details. I like to use things like different camera angles, different focal lengths, things like that, because it just gets me journey more into a photo realistic mindset in my experience. And I typically need things to look like that. there's nothing wrong with doing art based prompts, but we typically need things to look real. and then the lighting aspect, very, malleable. Within the, within BitJourney, we always try to add, tells different stories, different emotions, and then, color schemes, textures, modifiers, things like that. Don't have to use all these. It's just a good starting point, right? So I like to think about it as we're constructing an image with words. if we broke an image down into words, how do we take these like visual building blocks and stack them together to create an image? It's like Lego blocks, right? Like one piece can come in, one piece can go out. It's all interchangeable. But if you have a structure, typically I'm utilizing something like this to start. Like I said, not every prompt will be the same. Not every project will be the same, but I like to use basically a simple prompt formula. Something like phototype, subject and action environment, color scheme. Camera lens film type. That's like your technical details, lighting composition than anything else that you want to do. So this gives us a starting point, actually, like a little bit of, structure gives you a little bit more freedom because you know which variables to take in and out based on what's coming out. If things don't look good, you can always, go and flip something, right? Now, style reference is really the most important thing here, because, once you have a good image and base image that you're going to, utilize to build out the rest of the storyboard, you can use this style reference feature. It basically transfers the visual signature of the imp from one image to the next. So as you can see on these storyboards here, like they all have a very similar color scheme, look, feel, textures. It all looks the same. That's what we're going for. It's very easy instead of going to reprompt everything. So that's one thing that we like to utilize. And then also this character reference feature, right? it's very useful because you want to have the same type of look and feel for the character across multiple poses, different scenes, what they're doing. So this character reference feature, once you know how to like really get in there and leverage it, it's something that you can then transfer across scenes. So now we have consistent scenery with the style reference feature and we have consistent character across an entire storyboard. This is something that used to take. 48, two weeks, 48 hours, two weeks. Now we can do it in three to four hours. So right under the gun there, that's, that's basically what we're doing and how we're doing it. But it's really, it's been really helpful. Amazing. Listen, I, again, I said before your stuff is out of this world and your guides are incredible. If people, want to get your content, what are you sharing? Yeah. So I do have a, I do have a course that basically takes you from day one, mid journey to a storyboard at this point. It's really, I think, we're going to have a lot more, A lot more opportunities with utilizing images as bases when, you get tools like Sora and Dream Machine and all these other things, Runway, everything coming out. So yeah, there's a offer to the course, I think that we're going to drop it in the link. So if everyone wants to, learn a little bit more mid journey. Amazing. Thank you so much. again, if you want to know more about, Rory and the amazing stuff that he's doing, go check out episode 29 of leveraging AI. And next we have Justin Hardy. So Justin spent his entire career marketing, and he has experience across a Multiple roles and industries in marketing, and he's a marketing funnel ninja, who's now perfected his skills with AI to increase funnel conversion and capabilities and is going to share with you how to build a highly converting landing page in just 60 seconds. So you don't even need the five minutes. Welcome to the stage, Justin. All right. So these are just said, I build a lot of funnels. I've been doing it for years. over 500 phones at this point. So I'm just going to show you guys my bank account. Second, so like you said, this will be in the back for anyone. So you don't have to copy this, but it just might make a prompt for creating a landing page. So something I learned from Audrey here. You really want to, butt in and not give megalomps into the role, the context, the task, and maybe even the output. So here we have role as expert copywriter, building landing page, all the context about the brand. This is actually about my clients who makes AI games. everything about the price, all that information, the tone of voice that you want. I also recommend adding, uploading, if you have any market research or customer avatar doc, so that you can just, already include that information straight into chat to be clear for whatever LLM you're using. And then you just break down the tasks. for creating a landing page, this is everything 99 percent of a sales page or a full length landing page would need. It needs a headline, sub headline. Social proof art. Dig into emotional pain points. Agitate the problem. Tease the solution. Then you go into introducing what the solution is. Full stack offer of it. Again, social proof video quotes. feature pasting. And then, bonus. And then final production. So that's the sales page and nugget. I'm gonna just copy this over here. And then you check QPT. You can use this with any of their models. Obviously, the play plans can access the URLs. So if you have a brand URL or a website already, you can click here. Like I said, I already have a document from the client for the on demand marketing strategy with Avatar. And the offer, so you can also put in that. And then, as you saw with some of the other presenters, ask it to take a deep breath, go back to what the assignment is, and then you want to go section by section. Instead of just doing a workshop prompt where you ask for everything all at once, you want to break it up. Just go first the headline, make sure that's good. And go to subheadline. just recapping the assignment, task overview, context, tone and style, make sure that all works good. Great. Now, go ahead, and just for sake of time, I'm going to show you guys all of it, go ahead. And, all the sections. Over to that page. Like I said, you can go section by section. Honestly, I have really good success by just doing it one shot. And this is. Like Charlie was saying earlier, it's going to be about 80 percent of the work for you, it's not going to be everything, you're not going to just copy and paste it, but it's going to keep you from staring at a blank screen and give you really like the framework that you can build a sales page on. Maybe a couple of pieces you add a little bit more nuance, or stats, or your own social group, or branding. Or maybe if it's a shorter squeeze page, you take out some of these sections, but now, you have everything from a conversion standpoint, what a sales page needs to target one audience, one single audience. And that's it. There it is for you. and do you have that? You should be able to really just get up and running, put in, click, launch, go high level, whatever. Awesome. this was really great. Again, landing pages are the core of a lot of the stuff that we're doing. Whether you're a solopreneur or a large company, your ability to capture people's attention and information is critical. And being able to do this fast and create landing pages as needed is obviously very powerful without wasting a lot of time. Any special offer you want to make? no, yeah, so Connect with me on LinkedIn, and then I'm going to send over that prompt, start talking background noise. And I also have an additional prompt I'm giving away that it's a landing page. Awesome. so much. if you want to learn more and hopefully with better sound, I apologize for the background noise. Go and check out episode 47 of the Leveraging AI podcast. Bye. And next we have Chris Daigle. So Chris is a, has been running his strategic consulting company for over 13 years. So he has helped, I don't even know, but many companies figure out business strategy, and he deeply understands how People need to work and do in order to make themselves and their businesses more successful. And he's going to share with us how you can monetize your AI expertise. Greetings guys. Actually, you saw, after hearing everything today, I think that the direction I'm going to take this is going to be where to get started. Okay. And the reason is, yeah. And the reason is because I just got through speaking in Austin and a lot of the folks, got a lot of information on how to do things or what to do, but not necessarily how to do it in their business. And I apologize. My computer where all this stuff was set up crashed about, 180 seconds ago. So I'm doing this from my iPad. That's why you were doing live. So stuff like that happened. The fun stuff. so my name is Chris Daigle. I'm a founder of chief AI officer. com and we teach people how to, be the generative AI experts in their world, their industry, their team, whatever. Thank you. And one of the first things, all of us have seen the tools and that sort of thing, and I don't want you to think that is the secret to generative AI. The tools are the easy part, and I'm going to suggest that everybody here who's got a job or a career, you've already done the hard part. The hard part was, Gathering the domain expertise where you plan on applying generative AI, whether your industry is automotive, e commerce, doesn't matter. If you just know the tools, but you don't understand the domain, your impact is limited. If you understand the domain, your industry and your, or your role, and you start to learn about the tools, it's very easy for you to go, Oh, this tool can help me do this. This tool can help me do that. So first I want you to get that in your mind. The learning curve, if you're intimidated by it, these generative AI tools are, you're able to learn them, any of them, at least proficiently, 10 minutes, 15 minutes on a lot of them, just because they're designed to be easy to use. Now with that out of the way. You've learned some great ideas. Here's what I'm going to suggest that you do. If you're not quite sure, there's this paradox of choice environment, right? There's all these places where generative AI can't have an impact. But if you're not sure where to start, I'm going to ask you to get out a sheet of paper and do an X, Y matrix. Normally, I would have an image of this, but You're smart people. This ain't complicated. Do an XY matrix. And the idea is that we're going to categorize the things that we're doing on a daily basis, a weekly basis, whatever that tempo is for us to, fulfill the deliverables expected from our role or our business. You've drawn that now on the bottom right hand corner of all the things that you do on a day to day basis, I'm going to ask you to. and Esau, I can't see the timer on my mobile, so I'm going to need you to two minutes. You're good. Okay. The bottom right corner is where you can store everything that it's things that you don't like doing and you're not good at it anyway. Those are the areas of your business to where somebody could come and take that off of your plate. There'd be heim around. And I'm telling you to start there so that when you go and do it for other people in the business, you focus on the things where they're going to have an attachment go, wow, I love AI. That's off my plate now. Thank you so much. So once you've done that, the idea, the next step is going to be process mapping. Find whoever is handling those things. And if it's you, simply sit down in front of loom and screen record yourself as you're narrating exactly what you're doing. Okay. First I go here, I'll press this button dot. and guys, I'm doing this quick, but normally I'll spend a little more time. the idea is that at the end of it, we're gonna take that transcript. We're gonna run it in chat, GBT and say, Hey, from this transcript from loom, I need you to create an S. O. P. In that S. O. P. We're looking at each step, and we're gonna ask ourselves three question, and it's got three answers on this node. Can I automate it? augment it, can I benefit from the tech or can I have AI handle that particular step? The sequencing of that automation, augmentation, or AI application of that process results in you having a pretty clear map of exactly what you need to do to take that, the crap work, and convert that into a, or at least start to convert it into an AI powered process. Plenty more we could talk about that. but the idea is that if you don't do that, you will never fully be able to outsource that to the tech. You'll still be involved in ways that are counterproductive and for me, guys, we're giving away plenty of stuff. But if you go to chief AI officer. com forward slash community, that's, we've got a, a free group. We do a lot of free training calls. We give free software, free prompts, blah, blah, blah. and again, our focus is more on teaching you how to think in AI so that you can go into any environment and be the person who can say, you know what, I have a solution. sorry. It was a little, All over the place, Isar, but thank you so much to you and to everybody here for the opportunity to present. Right on time. Awesome. And that's after having a computer crash and changing topics. This was fantastic. Getting started is always very hard. And that's why following more or less a lot of people here on stage would be a great place to start. And, after Chris, we have Valeria Pilkovic is a marketing and analytics and automation expert and, she has spent her entire career helping clients gain marketing benefits from their data. And she's going to teach us how to generate infinite content using make, which is an amazing automation software together with Chachapiti, Valeria, the stage is yours. Thank you. Thank you, Isar. Before I start sharing my screen, I would, ask you to type in the chat if you ever was overwhelmed by finding content ideas for LinkedIn or writing the content actually and thinking about, okay, what value can I share with my audience? And this doing on a daily basis, I'm sure there is a lot of us like this. and me too, of course, I'm sharing as well, content on LinkedIn and it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of time to find valuable content as well. And that's why I also thought, okay, it actually takes time to find valuable content, but I'm already, have quite a lot of valuable meetings. like last week we did a woman in a, AI live event on LinkedIn. And sometimes I get invited into the interviews or podcasts, which are like, treasure trove of super cool insights that I can share with my audience. And therefore I created an automation. You will have it as well in your notion handout, which captures the meeting transcripts from Firefly's AI, which is an AI note taker, but of course you can use any other note taker. Then it does some kind of transformation with it because it captures the data, not in the text, but in some type of arrays. So it does the transformation, transforms all these transcript arrays into the text, and then it reroutes this transcript into my OpenAI Assistance. You can use either the prompts. I'm using the OpenAI Assistance, I will show you. And this assistance Will transform the content for LinkedIn, for example, Twitter for email campaign. And of course you can adjust it to transform it for, Instagram newsletter, basically everything, everything you want. And then after the content is transformed, so repurposed, it sends it automatically to my, notion, but of course you can use Google sheets or anything else. And then. You can as well alternatively send it directly to publish on LinkedIn on Twitter for your email campaign and so on, but I wouldn't recommend maybe doing it because you know it's still AI generated content. I would recommend you to review it first. But let me show you also, the assistance. So I have different assistance, but of course, as mentioned, you can use just the prompt within the make automation. It's also possible without actually creating the assistant for it. And the prompts are, for the structure, very similar as the, Audrey and I think Justin were showing as well so there is a role. There is an instruction to repurpose the content, step by step first going through the transcript, then extracting the insights from the conversation. And third, also actually generating the copy in my writing style. And then I'm asking it, for example, for LinkedIn to provide an output of 200 words and also with a very specific structure. And, yeah, and just something like, typically OpenAI or JGPT would generate content, like with a lot of hashtags and images for LinkedIn. That's why I'm asking it to also, write with a, with the poses or with the breaks and not using any emojis, hashtags and so on. And of course, I'm adding the context about me and target audience. And of course, I'm adding my post examples. So that's the actually secret sauce in making it mimic your writing style. So that's about it, how the LinkedIn assistant looks like. Again, you can just use the prompt and insert it directly into make and the similar prompt you can as well create for Twitter, for your emails. Also inserting the examples of, the way you write usually your emails to your audience. Instagram captions, anything where you are active. And then it gets you a pretty good drafts actually. I'm, I cannot see my screen. Yeah. So I put it in my notion. I ordered a table. Actually I made a table and notion with the draft, the category. It already captures it automatically and the meeting URL. Of course, they're not like a hundred percent perfect, but with some iterations and maybe with some, adjustments later on, it will make it, more or less 80%, 90 percent ready copy. So that's it. You get, you'll get all the prompts in the handouts and, yeah, thank you for listening. Valeria, this is absolutely amazing. I'll add two cents to, to this. First of all, are you making any offers? Yeah. on the 8th of July, I'm, I have my training. So for our life session. I'm partnering with Network Tech, it's an organization here in Germany, supporting women to be more tech oriented and the sessions are very popular, we've had a good feedback in the past, so you get a 10 percent discount if you book today, you can just send me a DM or check out my LinkedIn profile. Awesome, amazing. So you have two things to do on July 8th. Everybody in the audience, but the one thing that I will add to what you said, we have a very, I have a very similar process for my clients and we use this not to create content, but to do summaries of kind of meetings where the meeting summarizers are just not good at. So like client summary, and you want to know the inventory of stuff you talked about stuff that these things don't capture, you can use the same kind of process. Awesome stuff. For sure. Next we have. Nancy Bain. Nancy is a absolute brilliant head of automation. She has been running a marketing agency for 15 years, and she has figured out literally how to automate almost everything in her business, which is absolutely brilliant. Amazing. She developed a factory of creating new automations every time she identifies something that herself or her clients needs. And she's going to share with us today how to build no code automation in Google Workspace. Nancy, welcome to Leveraging AI. Again. Hi, it's great to be here amongst some really great minds. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to everybody all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada. And today I'm going to be sharing with you, not a tip, but my favorite tool. So bear with me a new share and is, Gemini. And Jim and I in Google Workplace, and we've been a Google Workplace user for over 15 years at supernova media. We like it because it is an affordable product. Productivity tool and it replaces a lot of other tools that you, it's cost effective because you're able to, have an integrated solution that manages things like docs and spreadsheets and email and meetings and presentations and more. For, around$10 a month is Google Workspace. Gemini in, Google work, space is another$20. So for around$30 a month, you get an integrated and robust, pro productivity suite. So I'm going to, let you have a look. Gemini in action. And if you read my LinkedIn posts today, you'll note that I am navigating a move. So we're going to use Gemini today to solve a real world, problem. And I've got, a few, prompts saved here. Very simple prompts. So with this prompt, I'm, I'm within Google Docs right now. so here we are in Google Docs. And, there before, before I clicked inside there was just a little purple box that said help, help me right. And I've just pasted in a prompt here to help me organize my move. And, Gemini is going to work its magic here, to create a nice bullet, form list of, action items and task, task list to help me organize, my move. where I like sheets the most, Where I like Gemini the most rather is in sheets because I've been afraid of spreadsheets most of my life. Until gendered of AI came along and now I can prompt to spreadsheet. I'm about to make myself look really brilliant here, creating a spreadsheet, from a prompt. And again, this prompt, I crafted together with, GTG, chat to PT to help me organize my move. And so with the prompt. Let's have a look at how robust the, the software is here. And it is creating. There we go. Now look at that. that is an amazing, spreadsheet which will help me, organize, Help me organize my move and keep me on track. This is one of the prettiest spreadsheets I've ever created with Gemini, I'll tell you. But it's certainly far away from what I could have done in a couple of seconds, that's for sure. So let's go have a look. Sorry, we're out of time, but this is a great example. Those of you are not, by the way, it doesn't matter where, whether you're in the Microsoft universe or the Google universe, there is either Gemini in Google or co pilot in Microsoft. They're going to get better and better helping you do these kinds of things. But the interesting thing about what Nancy's doing is you've got to try it. if you just say, Oh, there's this thing here, but I'm like, going to ignore it, then you'll never learn how to use it. is there any offer you want to make Nancy? Yeah, sorry about that. I thought I had it down to five minutes but it didn't quite work out that way. so this is my most popular guide. It's over on Gumroad and I'm offering it to you today in celebration of the 100th episode of Leveraging AI for half a million people. price. so you can, find that, in the, in the document that's provided. And also I'd like to enjoy me, invite you to join me on tech tactics, where we serve up bi weekly chat GPT lessons for the absolute beginner. So thanks. You want to know more about Nancy episode 94 off the leveraging AI podcast.

So that's the end of part one of the Leveraging AI podcast, episode 100. Part two of episode 100 will be released in a few days. Again, if you're listening to this after the fact, you can binge it and don't forget to check out the AI business transformation course details. So if you want to know more, the link, as I mentioned, is in the show notes and I will see you in part.

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